Saturday, February 14, 2009

here we are!

form 3

we are the first batch yg masuk dari form 1
17th February 2003
the day which we never, ever forget!
some of us masuk dari form 4 in 2006

p/s: sape ingat lagi what happened time pic above ni?

form 4

in memories..
with cikgu yg xabes2 find our weakness and fault
because she loves us

*klakar la bile tgk muke kanak2 masing2. ^^

form 5

spm candidates 2007
ohh sgt rindu weyy ngan korang!!!!!
info: dpt no. 4 weyy ranking SPM
serious ramai gile xsangke
and i bet sekolah2 laen just ingat kitaorg ni..
"ala, slalu first batch dr form 1 ni mesti spoiler, result down punye la"
we made it!
we prove it!
prove that they are totally wrong...

blok akademik

this is our first entry
so we more to introduce ourselves je la
so to anyone integombians esp batch 0307 yg ade blog
gtaw okay!
aku xnak kite lost contact

.sumpah rindu gile ngan korang!.


Huda Saffry said...

woiii contributors ahahaha
sila letak chatbox or shoutmix mcm yg kot blog ko tuh nabshid
chatbox yg tuh agak chantek dan cool laa bg ak, ok!! chill sume =)

NabilahRashida said...

cik huda....

aku de hal lorh td, suro shdot msukkn, die x dpt msukkn...nih bru msukkan...

adibbfirdaus said...

ape yang terjadi time form3 tu?
ta egt dow..
tu time ari raye kan?
ape yang terjadi uh?